Connecting with other artists and communities of color

Aside from our activity within Uptown, we have been fortunate to connect with other artists from communities of color. Below are a few examples of our recent collaborations.

community art tent at argyle night market


Mobile Street Art Cart

by William Estrada

Making buttons, building community, and reflecting on what it means to be a part of Uptown. (Artist William Estrada and his Mobile Street Art Cart at Argyle Night Market)

el mastabah

by hani moustafa

"El Mastabah" is the name of a type of house in the countryside of Egypt which sits above the ground. Anyone can stop by to chat with the house owner over tea. This photography exhibition captures these moments of human connection from Chicago to Egypt. (Featuring the work of Hani Moustafa and his students: Stephanie Munoz and Rebecca Brown)

Of Song and Fish

Axis Lab & Filmfront: june 25th, 2016

"Of Song and Fish" is a two­-part art exhibition and food event that explores Vietnam's relationship to water, fish, and the homeland. This sensorial multi­media art exhibition and culinary affair engages sight, sound, and taste through refracted images, discordant soundscapes, and textures of Vietnamese cuisine to delve into the intersection of memory, rapid development, and food in Vietnam and the diaspora.